Sunday, May 31, 2009

Rosewood Ramblings

Maybe I'll write a book about nursing home visits. There's certainly plenty of material! For example:
  • I've mentioned Sarah before. Sarah always sits--asleep--in the chair by the north window of the lobby. On Friday she was sitting in the chair by the east window! I said to Dulce, the delightful young receptionist, "Sarah's in the wrong place!" and we both burst out laughing. It says something about the atmosphere when we both found the change hysterically funny!
  • Mom has been into talking about her funeral this week but not in any kind of depressing way. I had brought her a hymnal so she could pick out songs. While we were looking together at the hymnal Friday morning, in walks the psychiatrist for her weekly thirty second visit. She says, "How are you, Mildred" and Mom answers "Fine. I'm looking at hymns for my funeral." The psychiatrist turned purple....and was utterly speechless until she finally mumbled something about everybody eventually dying and practically ran out of the room. Now one would think that a PSYCHIATRIST who works in a NURSING HOME might have AT LEAST ONCE dealt with someone talking about death....but evidently not!
  • There's a new resident named Flora. They had Flora sit at mom's dining table. Flora ate gefilte fish and matzo balls, which her family must have brought, for the first three nights. Mom described the gefilte fish to me in a disgusting way---let's just say she was totally grossed out. Flora, who doesn't yet know who's who at Rosewood, kept saying "Nurse, nurse"! whenever she wanted something during a meal. Mom finally had it and said, "At this table we say 'please' ". Then tablemate Sally called Mom anti-Semitic because Mom was grossed out by the gefilte fish. Sally later apologized profusely but mysteriously remains angry with Mollie, the other tablemate, who evidently sat pretty quietly during this whole turmoil. Mom admitted the entire scenario was kindergarten all over again. Today at lunch Flora was sitting elsewhere and I had a pleasant conversation with Mom, Mollie and Sally. Stay tuned.
  • Mom "bought" a necklace and some sort of bag at the monthly auction last Friday, so she's happy. However, some people just have too much "money" and bid way, way too high on things. Mom wasn't able to buy any candy! I guess there are a couple of visiting daughters who occasionally play one of the games with their mothers, win some "money" and then turn that "money" over to their moms who then have more to bid at the auction. I'm not getting sucked into that scenario! If Mom wants candy I'll buy it at the Jewel!
  • Today was a beautiful day so we went for a walk. As we walked near the staff parking lot, Mom yelled "Ella, Ella!" to a CNA walking to her car. Ella has assisted my mother the last couple of days and part of their getting acquainted was Mom going through the story....again.....that her daughter is a Spanish teacher. So Ella and I stood there talking Spanish and getting acquainted. She was delightful and I enjoyed talking with her. I laugh at Mom continually bringing up the Spanish connection and I'm sure the Mexican CNAs are equally kind to everyone, but the power of making that language connection is profound!
  • Finally, a laundry load of Mom's clothes went missing on March 2. The articles have never been found. It appears that after a mere three months, we are actually going to get some reimbursement. Next week. Maybe. If there's enough in petty cash.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know why I found so much of this funny. I know that it's not, but is.

    What else are you going to do. Cry? My favorite is you holding your ground to not be Grandma's auction "ringer." Go, Alice, Go!
