Thursday, May 14, 2009

Wonderful Surprise!

I had just posted today's procrastination blog when I got the most wonderful news!

Kevin was just invited to participate in the Music Institute of the West in Santa Barbara this summer! He will study with two top percussionists, perform in the orchestra, have a place and plenty of time to practice, and be in a beautiful spot to boot! He will even earn some money. He is ecstatic.

As has happened at other auditions, Kevin was an alternate for this program. None of the percussionists who won the audition dropped out. He was sure he was stuck in Northbrook for the summer. Then recently, many weeks later after the withdrawal date, someone won a full-time orchestra job which starts this summer and Kevin is in.

God does love surprises!

As I look back on my life so far I'm just blown away by how God's plan has played out for me. Many doors shut only for better ones to be opened. I didn't see the plan as it was unfolding.

Why am I so blown away when I see the same sorts of things happening to Kevin?

Keep on surprising us, God! Thank you!

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