Sunday, May 17, 2009

I've Been Called a Ding-a-ling!

They say that people should continue to learn new things as they get older. Well since age 60, I've learned to knit, have done thousands of crossword puzzles, have become fairly proficient at Power Point, and struggle with Rosetta Stone French. By far the most satisfying and brain-expanding new adventure, however, has been hand-bells.

When I was "strong-armed" to join the hand bell choir a few years ago I was assured that all I needed to know was how to count to four. They lied!! Actually sometimes we have to count to six or eight. Sometimes we have to count 1-and-2-and-3-and. Sometimes we even count 1-and-a, 2-and-a, 3-and-a. Sometimes we change keys multiple times in a piece which means rapidly changing to other bells for the sharps or flats. Sometimes we change tempo several times in a piece. It's not easy, but, oh, is it fun.

The cool thing about bells is that everyone is critical to the success of the piece. If I make a mistake while singing, chances are no one will notice except the person sitting next to me. If I make a mistake with bells, it sounds awful or there is a giant empty spot where a bell should have sounded or there is a very weird sound of a bell pealing when it should be quiet. We all really have to work together.

Not too many things in life really require that level of working together. I'm glad I get to do it and that my other "ding-a-lings" are fun to do it with! I'll miss it over the summer!

Hope my brain doesn't atrophy from lack of ding-dong challenges!

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