Friday, July 24, 2009

With just one more surprise.....

A semi-contemporary hymn called "Borning Cry" almost always reduces me to tears in spite of it's sappiness. It tells of God being here for our "borning cry" and each verse goes through how God is with us through succeeding stages of life. The last verse says something like, "In later years I'll still be there with just one more surprise".

God does love surprises!

I was reminded of that this morning when I found out that my mother's verbally abusive roommate had been moved to another room. Yesterday the roommate did something abusive in full view of the nursing home staff and finally, with indisputable proof, the administration imposed a real consequence. We are all extremely relieved.

The funny thing is that this situation which has seemed so hopeless for many weeks made me do something different. I started to pray regularly for the ROOMMATE. God obviously cares about my mom, but I think this prayer was answered for the roommate. It may be that this event will bring her the assistance she obviously needs with emotional issues.

On another topic, Kevin is having a wonderful summer in California...playing great music in a beautiful setting with ample opportunities for lessons, practice, bike-riding, and regular treats from the "rich divorcees" who have "adopted" the percussion section. He has nothing on his plate when he returns in August. I'm less worried than in the past because I've seen God "surprise" Kevin over and over again.
I'm past praying that Kevin win a certain audition and more into thanking Him for past "surprises" and trusting that God's got some great new plan.

I'm not saccharine and do wonder what "one more surprise" God has in mind for unemployed family members or friends, for very ill family and friends, and for the new young widow at our church. I do know that I have to stop "telling" God what to do in all those situations and trust in the message of a sappy....but true....hymn.

1 comment:

  1. We had this hymn at our wedding, and I cannot listen to it without getting ooshy-gushy, either. So glad to hear that Valerie is out of Grandma's life--at least so intensely.
