Friday, July 10, 2009

Dulce and Sharon and Diane and Pam and......

This morning my mother and I were visiting in the lobby at Rosewood when, suddenly, Dulce the receptionist jumped up, ran to the door and was yelling, "Albert, stop!"

Albert, a very tall man who uses an electric wheel chair, was trying to enter the building through only one of the double doors. Since his chair is so big, it naturally got caught on the door frame and was actually beginning to climb up the side of the door with the immediate danger of throwing Albert backwards on the back of his head. Dulce's quick action saved him from severe injury or worse.

But the story doesn't end there. Dulce spent the next ten minutes calmly but intensely telling Albert how upset she was that he had put himself in such a dangerous position. Her message was the same that a mom would give to a three year old who had just tried to play Superman off a porch. Albert's response was that of a repentant three year old, "I'm sorry. I won't do that again." HOWEVER, Dulce carried out this toddler-type discipline in a way that in no way hurt Albert's dignity. That's a gift!

Watching Dulce "in action" reminded me of other people I've been privileged to work with---primarily school and church secretaries. They are the people who are at the front line. Someone comes in the office with a concern that must be dealt with RIGHT AWAY and the secretary just does it.....while simultaneously answering the phone, handing something to another person, pushing the button to let someone in, putting a bandaid on someone's literal or figurative owie, and dealing with someone else who also wants something RIGHT NOW!

The Dulces and Sharons and Dianes and Pams of the world hold together our schools, churches and nursing homes yet rarely get the top salaries or recognition they deserve and that's a shame.

On my way out, I wished Dulce a calm rest of the day and remarked, "Someday you'll be a great Mom." She looked at me quizzically and I complimented her on how gracefully she spoke with Albert. She broke into a big grin and said, "Yes, maybe I will be a great mom when I have kids."

Because that's what great school and church secretaries and their ilk actually are - great Mom-like people who deal with multiple competing demands with great grace and compassion. So this is just my public thank you!

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