Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The "Kitchen King"

I just returned from helping serve at the soup kitchen where I was blown away by one of the employees.

This man's title is probably something like "kitchen assistant" but it should be "kitchen king". He had the food we brought put away before we even set it on the counter. He had every utensil we needed for food preparation already in place. With gentle assistance, he cheerfully taught us the most efficient way to cut watermelon. He moved quickly but with amazing efficiency.

Then it was time to serve the people. As I dished out sloppy joes I watched him interact with the people. He seemed to be everywhere at once, keeping order, seeing needs, treating people with great dignity. He cleaned away used plates and wiped tablecloths in exactly the same manner as a waiter in a classy French restaurant.

He worked as though he owned this restaurant and was going to make it the best restaurant in the city.

In any service situation, I always get more than I give. Today the "kitchen king" gave me a tremendous example of what it means to serve with grace in a humble setting. Reminds me of a certain carpenter who did the same sort of thing 2000 years ago!

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