Saturday, November 7, 2009

My Bucket List

By coincidence I've been to the internist, the opthamalogist, and the dentist in the past two weeks. I've also had my hair colored, my toes and fingers painted, and have exercised. Everything is in working order and as "beautiful" as it can be!

While very thankful for my health and the financial resources that make extravagances like hair and nail colorings possible, I'm having very guilty feelings as I see so much suffering around me. My prayers go out to one cousin's wife who has experienced miracles in her recovery from a horrific automobile accident, but now is facing difficult rehab that will probably not result in a return to complete normal living. Another cousin is in a crisis situation with a long term cancer. A good friend continues to battle a mysterious condition that doesn't appear to have a cure. I daily witness the effects of disease and old age among the nursing home residents. I grieve for acquaintances and friends who have lost spouses. And, oh yes, the unbelievably suffering all over the world is always on the front page of the newspaper. In most of the above situations, prayer is about the only way I can help and, while extremely important, I'm left feeling guilty for my inability to make things better. I also can worry about when it'll be my turn to suffer with something.

So I spent a couple of days pondering and, while this issue will arise again, have come to a sense of calm. We will never know why bad things happen. We have no control over many bad things, but God doesn't want us to spend our lives worrying about what might happen. He wants us to help those in need but not to stop enjoying his creation in the process.

So, I'll approach my bucket list with joyful anticipation. There are three states that I have not yet visited: Nevada, Idaho and Hawaii. Nevada and Hawaii will wait (see recent post on Vegas) but Ken and I hope to get to Idaho to visit his sister soon.

Meanwhile, we've made reservations to visit two other states in February: Yucatán and Quintana Roo. Did I mention they are in Mexico? Did I mention Ken has been wanting to see Mayan ruins since we've known each other? Did I mention that, as a teacher, I've never been able to travel in February? We're going to do it and we'll learn and grow together in the experience and I think God wants us to take advantage of opportunities like that.

Besides, I'm quite sure that prayers uttered in Mexico are just as effective as those coming from Illinois!

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