Sunday, November 15, 2009

30 Years

Our congregation celebrated its 50th anniversary this year and this weekend was culmination of the many special events. Last night we attended a fancy dinner and this morning was a special celebratory worship. What was particularly special was that almost all of the pastors who have served this congregation were in attendance at both events. They were recognized and teased at last night's dinner and they all participated in this morning's worship. Seven of them lined up in front of the altar for a group photo was quite a sight!

We have been members of this congregation for 30 of its 50 years and know every one of the pastors except for the first. This morning's preacher spoke about all the memories an anniversary brings and I didn't hear much of the rest of his sermon because I was thinking of all the memories.

I looked at Pastor F and realized he had baptized and confirmed both of our sons. He and I worked together very closely during a difficult time in the congregation's life when I happened to be the lay leader. He officiated at my father's memorial service. He twice sat with me in a hospital waiting area before undergoing surgery. He made Ken comfortable and welcome at our church when he wasn't yet ready to become a Lutheran and then guided him through the process when he was.

I looked at Pastor B who entered my life at a critical time. He arrived as an assistant pastor when I was pregnant with Kevin. He and his wife were always interested in our boys and indulgent with their coffee hour antics. He preached at my dad's memorial service and prepared for that sermon by talking with me for a couple of hours, subtly bringing out memories I had forgotten I had. I'm most thankful to Pastor B, however, for his Tuesday morning Bible studies that introduced me to the Bible as I had never seen it before. He would read to us directly from his Greek Bible to give accurate word meanings. He taught me to really think about what we read and consider the culture of the times. His humility and wisdom have made a deep impression on me and my faith.

Then there was Pastor J who introduced us to a much wider church than we had before experienced. Through him we became friends with foreign doctoral students studying at the seminary in Chicago and we began to welcome refugees from around the world. Mostly I am thankful to Pastor J for mentoring David. Another humble and wise man, Pastor J took David (and many other teens) under his wing and quietly gave him terrific lessons on how to be a Christian. I credit Pastor J with much of the nurturing that has developed David's faith.

Pastor S was an interim pastor twice - after two different pastors left. He brought joy and calm into what could have been traumatic times. The twinkle in his eye was always enough to get people to do what needed to be done and to smile while doing it!

Pastor G brought many new ideas. I wasn't always happy with his new ideas but that disagreement on some practices really helped me to think and really helped me to realize "it's not about me". It took a lot of kicking and screaming on my part to come to that realization however. Pastor G spent a long time with Kevin prior to his hours delayed jaw surgery and forged a good bond with Ken when he was hospitalized. Pastor G's quiet presence was particularly good with both of them.

Pastor W was another interim pastor who inspired me with her mid-life career change, her willingness to step up to the plate in a couple of very difficult circumstances, her calmness in the midst of chaos, and her ability to balance pastoral and grandmotherly duties. Watching a woman my age baptize an infant and then in a lovingly grandmotherly way carry the infant down the aisle was a beautiful sight.

Finally Pastor K is our recently installed new pastor. Having served on the call committee I already know him quite well and am excited about the gifts he brings. I think he has been a bit overwhelmed by all the anniversary hoopla surrounding his arrival, but am sure that his leadership is going to result in yet more wonderful surprises.

These pastors have shared half of my life and I have shared theirs. None have been social friends, but they and their spouses have been family. Seeing pictures of their grandchildren last night and sharing our family news was like a family reunion. Seeing them all together was a gift....a reminder of the shared experiences, a reminder of how God works through so many different types of people, and a reminder that change isn't always easy but God sees us through it.

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