Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Welcome to the 21st century

As my niece recently wrote in her blog, I, too, am trying to figure out what I will do when I grow up. As a "retired" teacher, my life is a jumble of contradictory experiences. One day I am the "presenter" at a seminar for the Bureau of Education and Research. Teachers consider me the "expert" on foreign language teaching--but I'm awed by the teaching talent I see in them. The next day I am helping my mom deal with the latest indignity of living at a nursing home--and I'm humbled by the grace I see in the people who live and work there. I'm a cheerleader for the lives of my husband, sons, and the special women in their lives, but I'm sometimes saddened by my inability to "kiss it and make it better" when they hit a rough patch. Soup kitchen server, bell-ringer , book group reader, water exerciser, and - I confess - computer Scrabble addict are other retirement "roles". I hope to use this blog to share the things I learn from all these experiences as I continue to "grow up".

1 comment:

  1. Do you feel like a grown-up most days? In my mind, I'm still in high school...except that I'll be 34 in a few weeks. Egad!
