Sunday, August 9, 2009

Julia and Julie

We saw the above mentioned movie last night. It is simply delightful.

The movie tells the story of Julia Child's early in Paris and elsewhere with her husband, going to Le Cordon Bleu, and the many ups and downs she experienced before finally publishing "Mastering the Art of French Cooking". Simultaneously, the movie tells the story of Julie, a young married woman in Queens, NY, who takes on the project of making all 500+ recipes in Julia's book in one year while blogging about her experiences.

What struck me, however, was not Meryl Streep's wonderful acting, nor was it the occasional view of Paris, nor was it trying to figure out how they made Meryl Streep look so tall. It was both of these women pursuing a dream that probably wasn't very realistic.

Julia Child was the bored young wife of a diplomat in Paris in the late 40's. She loved, loved, loved French food but the idea of an American WOMAN studying at the Cordon Bleu was absurd. The idea of an American woman writing an English language cookbook focusing on complicated French cooking was also absurd. She persevered and did both.

Julie was a frustrated employee trying to help people post 9/11 but instead, spent most of her day being verbally abused on the phone. Taking on this cooking/blogging challenge saw her through emotionally draining work days and noisy nights living above a pizzeria.

The point is not that both women eventually succeeded in their ventures. It is that they had the guts to just go ahead and try!

Many of my friends are now retired, but I can't think of a one who hasn't since pursued some dream. The one who loved her Siberian Husky dogs is now into raising, breeding and showing them in a major way. Another has taken her compassionate skills to a new level being her church's presence in local nursing homes (and regularly visiting MY mom, too!). Another uses her administrative skills on myriad community based service organizations. An artistic friend sells her art but also knits and gives away prayer shawls. My Michigan friend with the gift for hospitality rarely is without guests in her home---mostly humans but also dependent feline visitors that she cares for like children. Our friends with daughter and grand-baby in Paris have embraced a whole new culture and language via frequent visits. The list goes on!

I wonder which role Meryl Streep will play when the next block-buster movie titled "Annie, Pat Max, Gina, Bonnie, Susan and Others" comes out?

1 comment:

  1. I loved this book and look forward to the movie. If O or J had been a girl, the intended name was "Julia."
