Sunday, October 31, 2010

Why I Find Hallowen Annoying

It's almost 5:00 p.m. and almost 100 Hershey bars have been distributed to various goblins. Trick or Treating continues until 7:00. Good thing I have to leave for the airport...not enough candy! I have to go to work to save up to finance next Halloween!

My two big pet peeves about trick-or-treating are usually that the children don't say "Trick or Treat" (they just stand there) or "Thank You.". My Halloween grinchness, however, must confess that this year most kids said at least one of the lines.

But there was the....

---ten year old girl who had an I-phone laying on top of the candy in her plastic pumpkin. Something's just not right..............

---the eight year old who asked for a second piece of candy "for her brother who is in the stroller". My guess the second piece is for mom or dad who is pushing the stroller.

---the four year old (!) who asked for a second piece of candy and seemed surprised that I said it was needed for other children

---and the mysterious children ---- at least ten groups of them ---- who rang the bell several times but couldn't wait and disappeared in the ten seconds it took me to get to the door.

Oh, it's embarrassing to be the Halloween grinch!

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