This week I gave BER seminars in Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Rhode Island and, as always, learned and observed some fascinating things.
CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS New Englanders are so much more subtle about decorating for the holidays than we crass mid-westerners! In an entire week I only saw ONE inflatable Santa---though it, like most here, was deflated. Many homes simply have a single lit candle in each window and that's really quite beautiful. If there are outdoor lights, they are elegant---a single strand of white lights. It reminded me of my childhood. "Way back then" almost no one hung lights outside and we would go "to see the lights" in the rare neighborhood where people did a lot of exterior lighting. (I was still glad to get home and see all the really pretty and extensive lights all over our neighborhood!)
RHODE ISLAND On my quest to set foot in all 50 states, Rhode Island has been an enigma. I have driven through the state three times...but had never actually set foot on it. Although this seminar was billed as being in Providence, it really took place in Seakonk, MA. and I thought that once again, my feet would not have the Rhode Island experience. I was saved, however, because my program manager, Hillary, collects college t-shirts and wanted to buy one at Brown and we drove into here's proof of my official Rhode Island venture!
The restaurant at this hotel, however, is first class and my meal was so beautiful that I actually took a picture of it! Shrimp stuffed with crab and encased in philo dough. Note the placement of the shrimp tails!
MAINE is one of my favorite states and I was disappointed to once again be in an ordinary Holiday Inn on the west side of town away from the ocean. Hillary once again saved the day, taking an hour after the seminar to go to this beautiful sight in Port Elizabeth.
BOSTON We stayed in Waltham which is northwest of the city, so I didn't get downtown at all. We did, however, get in a huge back-up on the interstate as we drove into town from New Hampshire. The GPA gave us an alternate route on side streets which was interesting, but unbelievably slow and congested as hundreds of other people were also taking the alternate route. I love Boston, but I'm not sure I could deal with the rush hours on their narrow old highways!
PEOPLE are always interesting. At two seminars there was a person who came to my same seminar for the second time! That was really exciting to me. The person in Rhode Island was particularly fun as she excitedly told me, "Oh, I did X activity with X grade and they loved it, we did Y activity over and over again and it was terrific...." A really nice feeling for me! Of course, that joy was tempered by a few folk who wrote really nice complimentary paragraphs on their evaluation forms...and then circled 5's on the 1-7 evaluation scale! One guy in Rhode Island engaged me in a long conversation about all the Chicago sports teams and I managed to fake a knowledgeable response to his statements. When he started to talk about the Bears winning the Super Bowl back in the 90's I mentioned that I taught Jim McMahon's kids. He was just blown away by this and wanted to know every detail about those kids! Pretty funny.
ILLNESS On Tuesday night I felt something weird in my throat and by Wednesday afternoon, my throat really hurt and my voice was about gone. That was the experience I have been dreading since I began this BER gig. Fortunately, Thursday I was coughing and congested, but did have enough voice to do the seminar...albeit in a croaking way. Fortunately, Thursday night I returned home after infecting who knows how many people on the airplane!
That Hillary is quite the treasure! Sounds like a rewarding trip.