Friday, July 9, 2010

Friday Fragments

My niece and her blogging buddies have a segment they call "Friday Fragments". I'm going to steal that title for today.

Fragment #1: After 20 years, the ugly wall paneling in the "boys' rooms" has finally been removed! Ken's brother the carpenter has been diligently working to bring those rooms into the 21st century and it's exciting. Too bad the "boys" had to grow up surrounded by cheesy 60's paneling and orange or green (depending on the room) mini-blinds. At least they can now enjoy more up-t0-date surroundings when they stay over! (Of course, elder son is still mad that he lost his beloved Marimekko cars and trucks wallpaper when we moved here when he was 5, but that's another dilemma.)

Is it OK to be a bit angry that my brother-in-law's regular carpentry business is picking up and he, therefore, won't have time in the near future to get rid of the duck wallpaper, grungy carpet, and dark blue trim in Ken's office? I really do want to be happy for him, but it's hard to lose our personal handy-person!

Fragment #2: During Ken's recent physical exam, conversation evidently turned to how annoying it is that I have trouble sleeping and am always too hot. (Guess my issues affect Ken's health....) Through Ken, our doctor advised me to get a re-check on my thyroid and today I finally got myself over to the hospital for the blood test. Of course, the order wasn't in the system. Rather than being sent home, however, the clerk called the doctor's office for me. Of course, the office nurse was at lunch and I had to wait until she returned. But, I did get the blood test and don't have to once again try to get a parking space in the always-under-construction hospital lot. Nice to have someone go the extra mile with a smile, no less!

Fragment #3: I love my couch. In the late afternoon nothing is more pleasant than to stretch out on its leather coolness with my current book. I fit the couch perfectly. The soles of my feet are about two inches from the end of the couch allowing for plenty of wiggle and stretch room. It's ideal!

During the night I sometimes retreat to the couch to read when I can't get back to sleep at 3:00 a.m. However, at night I don't fit the couch perfectly. My feet rub up against the end of the couch. I've tried every adjustment of body and pillow and my feet still are jammed against the arm!

No one seems to believe me when I tell them that I'm taller during the night than during the day!


  1. That's funny. I grow at night as well.

  2. I am jealous of your couch - our futon is wearing out, and I don't fit on it anyway. Nonetheless, I would like to point out that I was almost seven years old when we moved.
