Monday, June 15, 2009

The Best Laid Plans.....

At the reunion the other night I was talking with my old friend Donna about a mutual acquaintance in Des Plaines. Back in the early 70's this acquaintance had it all together and I could find myself jealous of her - great husband, beautiful large home, excellent teacher. She even planned her pregnancy so that she delivered (the beautiful girl she wanted) within hours after the beginning of Spring break (so that her maternity leave would end just as school ended). The daughter was perfect in every way. Her life was charmed.

Then boom! A number of years later I heard that the husband had cheated and the marriage ended. The beautiful house was sold.

I believe there is a Hebrew saying, "Man plans. God laughs." I absolutely believe that God doesn't cause misfortune. I certainly don't believe that God laughs at misfortunes. I do believe in planning....but recognize that sometimes God has better plans in mind and sometimes awful things happen that God is crying over with us.

Last week God cried over my cousin's wife in Seattle but also immediately began working miracles. Allyn was hit by a drunk driver while returning home alone after their son's high school graduation. She had to be pried from the car by the Jaws of Life and her injuries are massive. She has already had multiple surgeries and evaluations and is still critical, but the family's worst fears have not materialized and, barring infection or other complications, they are hopeful for recovery. I'm sure Allyn planned to spend the summer outfitting her son's dorm room. Instead she will be working hard at therapy. God sure didn't want this to happen...but He is surely with them as they go through this time.

On a happy note, I believe God has had better plans for Kevin than we ever could have planned throughout his college and post college experiences. He leaves tomorrow for the Music Academy of the West in Santa Barbara. He has been packing all day and the living room is virtually full of all his stuff since he has to have all the same things a college student has PLUS all his percussion stuff. He is mighty excited however! Excited about the independence of driving alone to California and doubly excited about the music (and bicycling) experiences ahead because they didn't come to him easily.

I planned to go to the first outdoor aerobics class today, but instead am fighting a nasty cold caught in Paris or on the airplane. Six months ago I'd NEVER have thought I would have the opportunity to catch a cold in a foreign country!

So, we live our lives using our God given intelligence to plan, but know that sometimes bad or good surprises happen and we'll move with those surprises knowing that we are never moving alone.

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